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Just be You.

You are already perfect in everything that You are. The imperfectness creates a link with what is perfect and so be it. You are whole. Within You there is the masculin and feminine or yin and yang if you like, which means that You are your own twinflame. You have come here to sing your own frequency with your unique instrument. When You are tuned in to your own beautiful oneness and truth, we all sing together in one big wonderful orchestra. We are one. But first we must be one within ourselves. Once we realise that there is no separation of the two, we can rest in our own frequency. Are we willing to see through our own illussions that we have created for ourselves? You are free to create your life as you please. Nobody is holding you back. You are empowered and complete.

You did not come here to be like everyone else or a card board copy of someone else. You came here to roar your truth and to shine your wisdom. This means that in everything You do, You must choose your own wisdom, always. You are whole. Finally, you realise that You are already home and You have created your own paradise within your own being. Welcome!

You create the world within You that You wish to see outside yourself. Be forgiving with yourself and others. But discard of relations and behaviours that do not support your higher loving purpose. You must be free to live your truth and to follow your path. If You are unhappy, then work to understand yourself. Are you caught up with situations that You are not happy with? So, change them. Life on earth is too precious to be following other people´s images of what You need to be. You may need to face those conflicts that you have been avoiding. Or, you ride out the storm. Whatever is right for you. Only You know your truth. Do not be afraid to close a door. A new one will open for you. TRUST. Remember that your essens is pure love. Before you can love other people, you must first love and be in love with your own being, all that is You. Beautiful You.

We love you. Always and you are not alone.

Medium Nina Marianne's events in Sweden and in Swedish:

-1 March 2023 at 18.00-20.00 at HEALsthlm, Tomtebogatan 24, sthlm: Gathering at HEALsthlm with other lightworkers at Healsthlm. (Email me if you wish to come:

-5 March 2023 at 18.00-19.30, digital One circle drop-in (places are quickly being filled up so hurry to get your place reserved: /events.

-The digital One circle is held first Sunday every calendar month and the circle finds its participants every time.

-11 March 2023, spiritual workshop and yoga with Medium Nina Marianne och Minna Fahlström, Tyresö Yogacenter, kl 13.00-17.00 (boka

- 25-26 mars 2023, Harmoni Expo where you can book small 20 minute sessions on site with Medium Nina Marianne.

-27-28 maj 2023, Spiritual retreat in Häringe Slott, seans with Medium Camilla Elfving and Nina Marianne.....and all the loving spirits at the castle :) (Boka

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