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Message for You from the dragonfly at Arthur Findlay College

(picture taken by one of the participants at the course Spirit of Summer at AFC)

Free the dragonfly - It is early morning and we are meditating in the Sanctuary in Arthur Findlay College, England. I feel free and happy. Finally, my dream has come true to be with other likeminded international mediums in the ""Hogwarts" for all mediums. Then, in my silent meditation I see (before my inner eye) a dragonfly that comes and sits on a window. I ask for a message as I thought it was a symbol of something I needed to know. It felt different. As if it was actually trying to communicate with me in my meditation, almost like when we have spirit contact. Seconds pass and there is no message. There is a short break before the tutorial in Mediumship with Tony Stockwell. During the tutorial in the Sanctuary (Church part), a real dragonfly suddenly flies in to the Sanctuary. It flies high and struggles to get out of the church windows. The windows are locked.

Freedom - My heart breaks and I instantly understand that this is significant. Still the dragonfly cannot find the open doors, so it remains stuck. I feel that I want to help it find its way back home but cannot find a solution as the windows where it was stuck are so high up. Lunch break comes and goes. Next tutorial in the afternoon is with Sharon Harvey. This time, it is a smaller group and we all get caught up in the struggle of the beautiful dragonfly. Still, I see no solution. Many of us watch the struggle and feel dispair. When Sharon decided that she had had enough of doing nothing, she abrubtly stopped the class and asked everyone to join in the freeing mission of the dragonfly. As One everyone in the group directed energy to the dragonfly and some clever souls luckily realised how we could actually catch the dragonfly gently and let it out through the doors...... As One, it worked. The dragonfly was sent on its way into the freedom.

What does this symbolise for you?

One - It was a beautiful message to me, to you and to all humans. Divine can communicate with us through signs, animals and dreams. When you are ready to listen, help will come. You are not alone and together we can achieve so much more. We are One and the same. We are interconnected, intertwined and if we look carefully, we can see the shimmering silver threads binding humankind together. Sometimes, we only see closed doors. With the help of eachother, we change the energy into its own loving force. Once the illusion of the "separation" has been unravelled, we can rest in the knowing that we are in this toghether. Each one of us is a beautifully tuned instrument and together we allow for the loving music to roar through universe, creating healing on all levels.

For you - So please, do not be afraid. You are not alone. All is well and you shall see that there are many doors for you. All you need to do is to take one small tiny step at a time. Even if you do not see the solution, trust, surrender. Your beloved ones on the other side are right there with you. Your guides are right there next to you. But do not forget fellow humans, many of us have come to be here on earth to assist and help...and simply be together.

Great love from me and from the bottom of my heart, I thank every beautiful soul that I have met on my journey. You are wonderful!

Happenings för Medium Nina Marianne:

-One cirkel (Digital) 3 September at 18.00-19.30 (in Swedish)-Registrations through website at the latest Sunday at 12.00.

-Fair - Änglamässan 2-3 Sep Södertälje där Nina Marianne står för Mediumförbundet.

-Sittningar (on-line och fysiskt hemma i andliga stugan) mejla mig ska läggas ut på bokadirekt också.

-Kurs kanalisering i januari 4 veckor on-line.

-Fairs/Mässor: Harmoni Expo samt Nära kryssningen där ni kan boka kortare sittningar.

FB and Instagram: Mediumninamarianne



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